Thursday, December 5, 2019

Continue rehearsing these lines for our Christmas Concert on Tuesday, December 10th. 

Room 10 Message: Non-Attachment

Gifts and material offerings, we really do enjoy!

We’re not greedy girls and boys! (shake head and finger)

It’s the love and memories we will forever cherish!

Friday, November 29, 2019

Over the past few weeks we have been working on our Mid book, bookclubs projects. There were a variety of ways to represent our books, there were trioramas, dioramas, sequels, and other unique ideas.

The last few weeks we have been working on our Trees and Forest Science project. We have drawn different plants and trees across Canada to make a scene. In our project we’re able to peel back the layers to show what is behind or inside of the forest. As an example,  when you peel back the Understory layer you can see the inside of the trees, as well as squirrels, birds and bugs living as part of the ecosystem. On the back of the cover we are including notes from our research on the layers in different styles and showing what we've learned. This project is to represent and conclude the learning in Trees and Forests.

In class we have been learning about tree cookies and how they show their stories by what their rings look like over the years. Afterwards we got pieces of styrofoam and a pen and then started to carve the styrofoam so we can make prints with ink. It's important to know what is happening to trees in certain areas to help sustain forest areas. Some examples of what you can learn by looking at the rings are injuries, fires, insect infestations, and growing conditions like droughts.  

In mathematics we’ve been learning about integers and how we use them in our everyday lives. Integers can be positive and negative numbers. We were asked to make sentences that would include them. You could use them to keep track of your money. For example, if you were to lose $5, the integer would be -$5. If you found $2 on the ground, the integer would be +$2. We are ordering integers on number lines to compare their values using 0 as the middle number. Some of us are even subtracting and adding with negative integers when playing 'War' using a deck of cards.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

These are the lyrics for our 'Merry Mindful Christmas' ceremony that all grade 5/6 students can continue to practice at home.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Recently, in Math we have been learning about word problems. We learned that it is not just about the equation, but it is also about reading the text correctly and understanding the process. 

The step  by step strategy helped us understand the problem by breaking it down, the first step was to read the text and highlight the question. With that in mind, then to ignore/get rid of the unnecessary information. After, you think about the math equation you’ll need to solve the problem and use methods that are clear to you. Sometimes you’ll need to do more than one equation which takes time and organization, but it’s not harder.

In social studies we have been learning about debating and how people share information to convince others of what they believe in. We researched about why our arguments are strong. We presented in front of the class with the pro side on one side and cons on the other side. We learned that you should have strong ideas before you debate because you need to know what you are talking about and be passionate about it, even if it wasn’t the side you wanted to originally be on. It's a good idea to think about what they other side will say too so you are ready to say why their argument is not as good.

In Science we have been learning about the layers of the forest, which include, the canopy, understory, shrubbery and the forest floor. Some things that live in these areas are squirrels, fungi, deer, birds, bears , plants ,trees, flowers, shrubbery and tree roots. That are all part of the ecosystem. We had an artist come in the class to teach us some of the techniques for drawing plants and leaves. When B our botanical artist visited, we also learned that the buds on a tree hold all the leaves and flowers for the following summer. The petiole/stems of the leaves grow out of the bottom of the buds. 

In class we have been doing book club projects. We have been choosing certain projects in our groups that include dioramas/trioramas, interviews, diary entries, character webs, etc. We have been reading books such as “Myths and Legends,” “Hurt Go Happy”, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,’’ ’’The Giver,’’ ’’The Slave Dancer’’, ’’James and The Giant Peach’’ ,and ’’Rules’’.These projects show what we have understood so far and gives us a chance to show our peers in a creative way. 

In writing we have been learning to write with structure, like including a setting shot and character description. Setting shots tell the reader details about where the story is taking place and tries to describe the location using all five senses. 

We’ve also done a lot of work with descriptive and figurative language. Figurative language
like describing different war scenes including the battles of Passchendale, and Vimy Ridge with poetic devices like metaphors and personification.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Thank you to all parents of room 10 and room 2 for donating so many pumpkins and carving tools for our pumpkin carving activity. We are grateful for your tremendous support! We are having such a wonderful time working with our buddies to build our sense of community and belonging.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

These past two weeks, we’ve been playing a game called Raiders in gym. This game helps us work on getting our bodies down low and using our balance to tag a member from the ‘Camp’ and return safely to our raider zone without our pinnie being taken. This game improves your reflexes, decision making, speed, sportsmanship, and strategies to working as a ‘Camp.’ 

In Social Studies, we have been learning about our rights and responsibilities both as citizens and as students. Our learning is being connected to Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We have been exploring these freedoms and what they mean to us. We shared our presentations as if the audience were new Canadians and what they would need to know to help them in their new environment as fellow citizens.

In science, we have done lots of learning and review about photosynthesis, distinguishing trees and different types of leaves, the nutrient cycle and ecosystems. Yesterday, we worked with the Ann and Sandy Cross Conservation mentors in our Gully. We played, “Oh Deer,” to understand the importance of all animals requiring resources such as water, shelter, food, and space. If anything is depleted, many things in the ecosystem will go wrong. We also learned how to measure objects, including trees, from a distance using ratio and perspective. I can show you the mathematical steps.